Inspiration Why I think new year resolution has become a cliché We are in the sixth month of the year 2016, and it seems most of us are already faltering on our new year resolutions. Others have even given up on theirs. Slowly we have crawled back to our old habits like a mother tortoise back to the sea after laying it eggs at the shore. […] Written by Desmond Kwame Paku June 22, 2016September 23, 2018
Inspiration 26 Lessons from my 26 Years Journey 26 Lessons in 26 Years I am 26 years today and I am grateful for this gift of life. When I wake up 4 am this morning reflecting the back pages of my autobiography and I realize how long I have been around. It has not been an easy journey but God has been faithful. […] Written by Desmond Kwame Paku April 14, 2016August 5, 2018
Inspiration Captives of Our Past Glories; Imprisoned by Our “past tense” Successes – Part Three Achievements and Fond Memories We all once a while, look back at those good times, remember those achievements and fond memories, smile at them and move on. This is normal and is really soothing most times because it gives us a perspective on how far we have come and the hope that there are better […] Written by Desmond Kwame Paku March 28, 2016August 5, 2018
Inspiration Captives of Our Past Failures: Imprisoned by Our Bad Experiences – Part Two Bad Experiences The second groups of captives are the ones living in prisons of self-deprecation due to their past failures. I can do this but as for this one I wouldn’t dare, I tried ones it did not work. They have the potential to be the best as best as they can but, because of […] Written by Desmond Kwame Paku February 24, 2016December 17, 2018
Inspiration Captives in A Free World: Imprisoned by Our Relationships – Part One A Free World I find this statement ironic, that we are living in a free world but there are still captives. The tragedy is the fact that, some of these captives are not even conscious of the captivity the found themselves. Most people were captured and imprisoned in walls built by our mind, family, society and […] Written by Desmond Kwame Paku February 23, 2016August 2, 2018
Books Hub Good Reads Inspiration 2015 in Retrospect: The Five Books I read this Year 2015 is almost over, and 2016 about to unravel, so I took the chance to look back at my life this year. I will say it’s been a wonderful year; this year saw a big change in my life in terms of my life purpose and goals. One of such change was me improving on […] Written by Desmond Kwame Paku December 29, 2015November 21, 2020