Staying Focused When Studying Concentrating When Studying Studying for an examination or a test can be difficult, especially when there are distractions such as TVs, mobile phone and even magazines. But most at times you are a distraction to yourself. However, staying focused on the study makes it easier. The trick is to remove the distraction and find a […] Written by Clemence Ayekple March 5, 2019November 21, 2020
Using Communication Boards to Help Kids Tools to Help Children With Limited Communication Ability A communication board may make it possible for children with limited communication impairment since this board may have symbols or pictures. Kids communicate using the board by pointing and gesturing or gazing at the varied symbols and picture. If you have a child that has limit communication […] Written by Clemence Ayekple October 8, 2018November 21, 2020
These 10 things on your cv could be the reason you are not getting hired Curriculum vitae (CV) is a Latin expression which can be loosely translated as [the] course of [my] life. In current usage, curriculum is less marked as a foreign loanword. Traditionally the word vitae is rendered in English using the ligature æ, hence vitæ, although this convention is less common in contemporary practice. The plural of curriculum […] Written by Allan Philip Barku June 23, 2016November 21, 2020
How to Set Up React Router Version 6 Page navigation is very essential in React applications and the is a package that allows us to easily route or navigate to other pages in react applications is React Router . In this article, we will discuss how to set up React Router version 6 Prerequisites Basic understanding of what components are in React Visual […] Written by Matilda Kpolley April 4, 2022April 5, 2022
Female Character Stereotypes I’ve had questions and a certain dissatisfaction with certain female character stereotypes created in movies, animations and series. The question of why the ambitious and very smart female characters are made into cruel and villains? I will be reviewing certain character types Let’s start with Disney animation storyline female characters. Morgana and Ursula from The […] Written by Esther Mawulolo Kporvi March 13, 2021March 13, 2021
Backup files to Google Drive with Rclone Backup files to google drive using rclone. Before we get right to this, let us break down the keywords first. Backup In information technology, a backup, or data backup is a copy of computer data taken and stored elsewhere. That way, it may be used to restore the original after a data loss event. The […] Written by Allan Philip Barku March 13, 2021March 16, 2021
System Administration Ubuntu 18.04 Initial Server Setup Ubuntu 18.04 Initial Server Setup for both Beginners and Advanced Users Introduction After installing Ubuntu 18.04 server, there are some steps you should take as part of the initial setup. These steps will increase the server security and give better user experience of your server. The aim of this article is to help you get […] Written by Clemence Ayekple April 4, 2019April 4, 2019
Security System Administration How to install and configure denyhosts on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Intrusion prevention security tool According to the developers of denyhosts script, the script is intended to help thwart SSH server attacks on Linux systems. These attacks are sometimes referred to as dictionary based attacks or brute force attacks. This article will focus on how to install and configure denyhosts on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. A short […] Written by Clemence Ayekple December 27, 2018May 27, 2019
System Administration How to harden Ubuntu 16.04 Server security Ubuntu 16.04 Server Security In this article, we will discuss some server security configurations that are best to protect Ubuntu 16.04 server environment. Secure shared memory First, open the configuration file for editing using the command below: sudo nano /etc/fstab Next, add the following line of code to the bottom of the configuration file: tmpfs […] Written by Clemence Ayekple September 3, 2018September 3, 2018
Education English Will vs. going to : Future tense Will vs Going to A very confusing concept is when to use will and when to use be going to when we refer the future. Both refer to the future and there is a slight difference between the two though in most cases they can be used interchangeably with no difference in meaning. Even if you […] Written by Allan Philip Barku July 13, 2018November 21, 2020
Lifestyle Recommended Studying Staying Focused When Studying Concentrating When Studying Studying for an examination or a test can be difficult, especially when there are distractions such as TVs, mobile phone and even magazines. But most at times you are a distraction to yourself. However, staying focused on the study makes it easier. The trick is to remove the distraction and find a […] Written by Clemence Ayekple March 5, 2019November 21, 2020
gyp: No Xcode or CLT version detected macOS Catalina Written by Allan Philip Barku January 20, 2020November 21, 2020
Install Command Line Tools on macOS Catalina Written by Allan Philip Barku October 11, 2019January 13, 2020
SYMLINK(): No Such File or Directory Laravel Written by Clemence Ayekple November 12, 2018August 3, 2020
Health Lifestyle Before 10 am Starting your day right: Before 10 am Starting a day right would definitely go a long way in making it a successful one. Not too sure, if it is a rule of thumb but it sure has a great effect on the type of day you end up having. Scenario 1: Having a wonderful dream just […] Written by Allan Philip Barku January 10, 2016August 21, 2018
Inspiration Birds of the same feathers flock together Birds of a feather It’s a common adage – birds of the same feathers flock together. It’s a natural phenomenon created by the maker. But why is it like that? Why can’t the crow flock with the eagle? The sparrow with the vulture? In the same way, why can’t the lion mingle with the sheep? […] Written by Sefakor Agbenyegah December 20, 2015July 25, 2018
Inspiration Captives in A Free World: Imprisoned by Our Relationships – Part One A Free World I find this statement ironic, that we are living in a free world but there are still captives. The tragedy is the fact that, some of these captives are not even conscious of the captivity the found themselves. Most people were captured and imprisoned in walls built by our mind, family, society and […] Written by Desmond Kwame Paku February 23, 2016August 2, 2018