Inspiration Why I think new year resolution has become a cliché We are in the sixth month of the year 2016, and it seems most of us are already faltering on our new year resolutions. Others have even given up on theirs. Slowly we have crawled back to our old habits like a mother tortoise back to the sea after laying it eggs at the shore. […] Written by Desmond Kwame Paku June 22, 2016September 23, 2018
Lifestyle New Year Resolutions: Thoughts for the New Year Thoughts for the New Year I hate New Years’ Eve or maybe I should say I used to hate them (though I know deep inside me that I still do). I hate all the excessive excitement that people make about new years’ eve, that unnecessary countdown, ugly sounds of explosive fireworks and sometimes beautiful fireworks […] Written by Joshua Mantey December 19, 2015August 1, 2018