The experimental SPDY protocol originally developed by Google gave birth to HTTP/2. Enabling HTTP/2 will greatly improve website performance.

However, there are some prerequisites to enabling HTTP/2 for your website. In this article, I will show how to get HTTP/2 working on your site running on Apache webserver.

Prerequisites to Enabling HTTP/2


First, enable HTTPS for your site. Configure HTTPS for your website, if you do not already have the SSL certificate or use Let’s Encrypt which is an open-source SSL certificate.

Apache 2.4.24

Older versions of Apache do not support HTTP/2. You need to have Apache 2.4.24 and above. If you are using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, then upgrade to Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.


By default, PHP runs on Apache via mod_php. According to Apache documentation, HTTP/2 is not compatible with Apache’s prefork multi-processing module. Moreover, prefork is not most people favourite now. A switch to a modern module is better.

Therefore, switch to php7.x-fpm from mod_php. Run the following commands to effect the necessary changes.

enabling  http/2
Switching from mod_php to php7.x-fpm

Enable HTTP/2 in Apache

Now, let’s enable mod_http2 module. Use the command below to enable mod_http2:

mod http2
enable mod_http2 module

Finally, enable HTTP/2 protocol by updating /etc/apache2/apache2.conf with the code below:

Protocols h2 http/1.1
Protocols h2 http/1.1


Now you have successfully enabled HTTP/2 protocol in Apache. Test your configuration with Lighthouse which powers the audit panel of Chrome Dev Tools or the online test from KeyCDN.

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